Background: as the paradigm for IBD management is evolving from symptom control to the more ambitious goal of complete deep remission, the concept of personalized medicine, as a mean to deliver individualized treatment with the best effectiveness and safety profile, is becoming paramount. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is an essential part of personalized medicine and its role in the management of IBD patients is rapidly expanding.
Objective: to review the current knowledge that poses the rationale for the use of TDM, and the present and future role of TDM-based approaches in the management of pediatric IBD.
Method: literature review.
Results: the concept of TDM has been introduced in the field of IBD along with thiopurines, over a decade ago, and evolved around anti-TNF therapies. TDM-based strategies proved to be costeffective in the management of patients with loss of response to biologics and, more recently, proactive TDM to optimize drug exposure has been shown to reduce treatment failure and drug adverse events. The role of TDM with new biologics and the usefulness of software-systems support tools to guide drug dosing are now under investigation.
Conclusion: Therapeutic drug monitoring has the potential to maximize the cost-benefit profile of therapies and is becoming an essential part of IBD management.
Keywords: Therapeutic drug monitoring, personalized medicine, IBD, biologics, thiopurines.