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Current Drug Delivery


ISSN (Print): 1567-2018
ISSN (Online): 1875-5704

Research Article

Simple Strategy to Protect Lactase Activity in Solid Formulation

Author(s): Aline Gravinez Perissinato, Andre Luis Morais Ruela, Gislaine Ribeiro Pereira, Jerusa Simone Garcia and Marcello Garcia Trevisan*

Volume 15, Issue 2, 2018

Page: [215 - 218] Pages: 4

DOI: 10.2174/1567201814666170518125802

Price: $65


Background: Lactose intolerance is characterized by the absence of the enzyme lactase (beta-galactosidase) and affects two thirds of the world adult population. Our aim was to evaluate a lactase gastro-resistant formulation to ensure increased activity in the action site of the enzyme (lumen of the small intestine). Simultaneously, we also evaluated the commercial product stability and enzyme activity, because the product containing beta-galactosidase is classified as food supplement according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so it is free to pass quality testing, efficacy and stability. So, it is possible that contain some irregularities as to the content and enzymatic activity.

Methods: The dissolution assay was performed using a dissolution test system and commercial product and the gastro-resistant formulation were evaluated according to a method adapted to the conditions recommended by United States Pharmacopeia (US Pharmacopeia) for gastro-resistant formulations. For the assessment of enzymatic activity throughout the dissolution test was employed the official method of lactase assay described in US Pharmacopoeia. This method is based on a colorimetric reaction which the substrate reacts with the enzyme generate a colored product further analyzed by UVVisible spectrophotometry.

Results: When carrying out dissolution test in commercial product it is noted that the existing formulation is not able to protect the enzyme from degrading action of gastric environment (a loss of 86.0 ± 0.8% of lactase activity was observed). Our proposed gastro-resistant pharmaceutical form there was no loss of activity during the acid step and the end of the dissolution test the found activity was 95 ± 1.3%.

Conclusion: The formulations proposed in this work using hypromellose capsules ensure the enzymatic activity of lactase, preventing its contact with the acid medium. For the other side, the results of commercial tablets for lactase release indicate a significant loss of enzyme activity due to the immediate release of the enzyme in the simulated gastric fluids.

Keywords: Beta-galactosidase, dissolution test, gastro-resistant formulation, hypromellose capsules, lactose intolerance, quality control.

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