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Current Organic Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 1385-2728
ISSN (Online): 1875-5348

Supramolecular Switches-Advanced Molecular Logic and Computation Molecular Logic Gates

Author(s): Navneet Kaur

Volume 18, Issue 22, 2014

Page: [2892 - 2909] Pages: 18

DOI: 10.2174/1385272819666141107224507

Price: $65


The working of the silicon-based computers is based on semiconductor logic gates that perform binary arithmetic and logical operations. However, the continuous miniaturization of integrated circuits may reach atomic scales in a couple of decades. For achieving this miniaturization, great effort has been devoted to develop information processing and to increase computational complexity at the molecular level. In molecular logics, novel logic functions can be designed and performed that are not identical with existing processes operating in the electronic realm.

Keywords: Combinatorial logic gates, flip-flops, logic gates, molecular trafficking, moleculator supramolecular chemistry.

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