常规的免疫方法是利用减毒活病原体、灭活的生物体、重组蛋白或多糖抗原产生保护性免疫。20年前的一个重大突破就是发现通过注射相关的疫苗抗原编码质粒DNA 反而可以引起免疫应答[1-3]。这就预示着DNA接种疫苗的开始。DNA疫苗提供了许多潜在优势,包括生产的速度及简便。尽管早期炒作,这项技术尚未生产出得到批准的人类产品,而许多已经批准的兽用DNA疫苗的存在意味着其在人类中的应用也仅仅是时间问题[4]。人们应记得单克隆抗体从最初的发现到最终成功在人体应用花费了20多年的时间。依照这样的标准,DNA疫苗技术仍然处在相对初级阶段。 因此这期的DNA疫苗专刊刚好及时地检查DNA疫苗技术的发展水平。希望收集的文章可以帮助解决在长期研究中一直被提及的问题,“我们到了吗?” 这些文章表达了一种巨大的差距尽管DNA疫苗技术从早期发现已经经过了20年,尤其在DNA疫苗安全性问题总体上已经得到满意解决,疫苗有效性将是剩下的唯一真实存在的挑战[5]。尽管时间飞逝,仍然有一系列激动人心的事情围绕在DNA疫苗领域。这些文章传递了这个领域的意愿,解决剩下的挑战,使得DNA疫苗进入人类市场。这也很好的预示着DNA疫苗技术的最终成功。这些收集的论文传达了大量的关键课题。Jim Williams 撰写的优秀综述描述了DNA质粒设计最新水平。文中强调质粒设计的先进程度,探索如何调控质粒达到最高蛋白质表达。Kwilas等描述了一个新颖投递质粒的方法,用无需针头的喷射注射器装置肌内投递质粒。有趣的是,这种投递形式的出现貌似也增强了质粒的表达和疫苗的致免疫性。DNA疫苗佐剂是另一个已经取得重大进展的领域。Capitani 等论述促聚集区编码质粒可以作为DNA疫苗佐剂,通过引起受损自噬导致半胱天冬酶激活与细胞凋亡。诱导的细胞凋亡与传统的疫苗佐剂是相同的,包括明矾和角鲨烯油乳剂[6];但是也提出了安全风险,过量的细胞死亡也可能引起敏感体质不必要的副作用甚至导致自身免疫[7, 8]。缺少对DNA疫苗的讨论将是不完整的,其中包括电穿孔作为加强质粒表达的一种方法。Davtyan等描述了关于电穿孔设置的研究,该设置可以最大化的投递阿尔茨海默病的a-β淀粉样蛋白抗原表位编码DNA疫苗。电穿孔依然是最大化DNA投递的潜在工具,但是却有使用不便、费用高和不舒适的缺点。最后,Lucyna Cova检索了乙肝DNA疫苗的发展史,描述了在发展过程中遇到的许多挑战。这里阐述的内容在其它在研的DNA疫苗中可能重复遇见。我坚信关于DNA疫苗方面的文章收集将会使读者确信DNA疫苗领域仍有生机;实际上大量的研究与开发工作的背后是要迈向一个重要的里程碑—第一个人类DNA疫苗将会得到批准。考虑到单克隆技术在荒野里花费20年解决了所有问题,成为了制药业中最成功故事,因此DNA疫苗也许会有他们阳光灿烂的时代。
Current Gene Therapy
Title:Editorial (Thematic Issue: The Coming of Age of DNA Vaccines)
Volume: 14 Issue: 3
Author(s): Nikolai Petrovsky
摘要: Conventional immunization approaches utilize live attenuated pathogens, inactivated organisms, recombinant proteins or polysaccharide antigens to induce protective immunity. Twenty years ago in a major breakthrough it was shown that immune responses could instead be elicited by injecting plasmid DNA encoding relevant vaccine antigens [1-3]. This heralded the start of DNA vaccination. DNA vaccines offer many potential advantages; including speed and simplicity of manufacture. Despite early hype, this technology has yet to yield approved human products although there are already a number of approved veterinary DNA vaccines suggesting human applications are only a matter of time [4]. It should be remembered that monoclonal antibodies took over 2 decades from initial discovery to final successful human application. By these standards DNA vaccine technology is still in its relatively infancy. Hence this special edition on DNA vaccines is timely to examine the state of the art in DNA vaccine technology. It is hoped this collections of papers will help address the perennial question asked on all long journeys, “are we there yet?” These papers convey a sense of the tremendous distance that DNA vaccine technology has come over the 20 years since its initial discovery. In particular, issues of DNA vaccine safety have by and large been satisfactorily addressed, leaving vaccine efficacy as the only real remaining challenge [5]. Despite the passage of time there is still a sense of excitement that surrounds the DNA vaccine field. These papers convey a willingness of those in the field to press on to solve the remaining challenges to bring DNA vaccines to the human market. This augurs well for the eventual success of DNA vaccine technology. A variety of key topics are covered by this collection. The excellent review by Jim Williams describes the state of the art in DNA plasmid design. It highlights just how far plasmid design has been advanced and explores how plasmids can be fine tuned for maximal protein expression. Kwilas et al., describe a novel delivery approach that uses a jet injector device to deliver the plasmid intramuscularly without the need for a needle. Interestingly this form of administration appears to also enhance plasmid expression and vaccine immunogenicity. Another area where there have been major advances is the area of DNA vaccine adjuvants. Capitani et al. demonstrate that plasmids encoding aggregation-promoting domains act as DNA vaccine adjuvants by triggering frustrated autophagy leading to caspase activation and apoptotic cell death. The induction of cell death is common to traditional vaccine adjuvants including alum and squalene oil emulsions [6], but poses safety risks as excess cell death may trigger unwanted side effects and even autoimmunity in susceptible individuals [7, 8]. No discussion of DNA vaccines would be complete without including electroporation as a method of enhancing plasmid expression. Davtyan et al. describe studies on electroporation settings to maximize delivery of an Alzheimer’s disease DNA vaccine encoding a β-amyloid epitope. Electroporation remains a potent tool for maximizing DNA delivery but with the downsides of inconvenience, cost and discomfort. Finally, Lucyna Cova examines the history of hepatitis B DNA vaccine development, describing the many challenges encountered along the way. This is a story that could easily be repeated for the many other DNA vaccines under development. I trust this collection of papers on current DNA vaccine research will convince the reader that the field of DNA vaccines is not dead, and in fact under the surface vigorous research and development efforts continue towards a key milestone which will be approval of the first human DNA vaccine. Considering the more than 20 years that monoclonal antibody technology had to spend in the wilderness before all their problems were solved and they became the pharmaceutical industry’s biggest success story, DNA vaccines may yet have their time in the sun.
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Petrovsky Nikolai, Editorial (Thematic Issue: The Coming of Age of DNA Vaccines), Current Gene Therapy 2014; 14 (3) . https://dx.doi.org/10.2174/156652321403140819121725
DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.2174/156652321403140819121725 |
Print ISSN 1566-5232 |
Publisher Name Bentham Science Publisher |
Online ISSN 1875-5631 |
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