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Recent Patents on Electrical & Electronic Engineering


ISSN (Print): 2213-1116
ISSN (Online): 2213-1132

Appling the WSN Concept in Implementing an Uninterrupted Solar Energy Monitoring System

Author(s): Joy I. -Z. Chen

Volume 5, Issue 3, 2012

Page: [238 - 243] Pages: 6

DOI: 10.2174/2213111611205030238

Price: $65


The WSNs (wireless sensor networks) concept is applied to implement an uninterrupted solar energy surveillance system in this work. The completed system is comprised of three major sub-systems that include a charging subsystem, a control sub-system and a display sub-system. Based on several transmission standards, including Bluetooth, Wifi and Zigbee capability combined with wireless transmission techniques, the proposed surveillance system is designed for monitoring a solar energy system. The performance of the simulated WSN system is evaluated using statistical report results. The proposed surveillance system can be fully extended to several different kinds of applications, such as, health care and environmental inspection. The experimental measurement results significantly show that channel fading over the propagation channel dominates the developed system performance. The article presents some promising patents on WSN concept.

Keywords: Bluetooth, health care, solar surveillance, wifi, WSNs, zigbee

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