Oxidizing radical formation was tested in paper mill water together with biocides. The investigation of electrochemical behavior of biocides on SS 2343 and MMO (mixed metal oxide) electrode surfaces was conducted in synthetic paper mill water (cPMW). Hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid gave response to the polarization on the anodic and cathodic sides on the SS 2343 electrode surface. At the MMO electrode the phenomenon was not observed. Other biocides did not show response with the polarization treatment. Hence, hydrogen peroxide polarized together with stainless steel electrode could cause radical reactions in paper mill water, and thus improve the process efficiency compared to hydrogen peroxide used alone. A synergistic effect of hydrogen peroxide with the polarization at the SS 2343 electrode could also help to keep the paper making process less sensitive to slime problems caused by microbes living in this environment.
Keywords: Paper mill water, Radicals, Electrochemical treatment, Biocides, Cyclic voltammograms, hydrogen peroxide, robust oxidation, electroflotation, hypochlorite, peracetic acid.