Over the past three decades, significant patents have been devoted to the development and implementation of thermoacoustic devices in several applications. Thermoacoustic is the science concerned with the interaction of thermodynamics and acoustics. These interactions exist due to the fact that the sound wave consists of pressure waves and these pressure waves affect the thermodynamic characteristics of the gas. Eventually, with a relatively simple structure and environmentally benign gas, the sound can be transformed into heat and vice versa. This phenomenon can be utilized in many engineering applications such as power generation and refrigeration. Thermoacoustic devices can be classified into two main categories; thermoacoustic engine and thermoacoustic refrigerator. This paper presents an overview of the thermoacoustic principles and a summary of the recent patents on thermoacoustic devices along with the current research trends in this field.
Keywords: Cryocooler, standing-wave devices, thermoacoustic engines, thermoacoustic refrigerators, traveling-wave devices