A robust body of information supports the notion that moderately high concentrations of iodine may reduce pathologies in several tissues that concentrate iodine. This paper reviews evidence showing iodine to be an antioxidant and apoptotic agent that may contribute to the differentiation of normal mammary and prostate glands. In animal and human studies, molecular iodine (I2) supplements suppress the development and size of both benign and malignant neoplasias in these glands and significantly reduce cellular lipoperoxidation. Iodine, in addition to its incorporation into thyroid hormones, is bound to antiproliferative iodolipids called iodolactones, which, in conjunction with peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptors, may play a role in controlling proliferative pathologies in mammary and prostate glands. These studies are in line with data demonstrating that the high consumption of iodine by certain Asian populations such as in Japan (25 times more than in the Occident) correlates with a low incidence of benign and cancerous breast and prostate diseases. Based on our data we proposed that an I2 supplement should be considered as an adjuvant in the treatment of pathologies in breast and prostate.
Keywords: Mammary gland, prostate, iodine, cancer, apoptosis, iodolactone, Arachidonic acid, Dihydrotestosterone, Hypoiodite, Iodide, Iodate, Triiodothyronine