EIPL (extensive intra-operative peritoneal lavage) therapy was developed as a prophylactic strategy for peritoneal recurrence, with the goal of improving the quality of life and survival span for advanced gastric cancer patients with peritoneal free cancer cells. The purpose of this article is to review the therapys contribution to a remarkable improvement in the 5-year survival for patients with positive lavage cytology on prospective randomized controlled clinical trials. We also advocate for the adoption of the EIPL as the optimal treatment protocol for advanced gastric cancer.
Keywords: Clinical trial, EIPL, gastric cancer, intra-peritoneal free cancer cells, peritoneal recurrence, RT-PCR, survival, EIPL (extensive intra-operative peritoneal lavage), prophylactic strategy, intra-peritoneal chemotherapy (IPC), (EIPL-IPC) group, peritoneal metastasis, serosa-invasive tumors