Tyrosine hydroxylase is studied in terms of adsorption behaviour on gold surfaces and various passivating layers. Results reveal differences in layer formation, where mercaptoundecanoic acid-coated gold shows the best potential in terms of adsorbed mass. Nanoparticles with this coating are subsequently tested for enzymatic activity, which remains at attenuated levels.
Keywords: Gold nanoparticles, recombinant human tyrosine hydroxylase isoform 1 (hTH1), adsorption, stability, enzymatic activity, Parkinson's disease, nanoparticles, recombinant, enzymatic, Tyrosine Hydroxylase, (L-DOPA), (MUA), QCM-Z500, quartz crystals, Citrate, pKa, pH, electrostatic, kinetic, L-DOPA, TRANSIL, D-fplots, QCM