A comparison of outcome versus gestation at induction of labour (IOL) for post maturity in three groups:40,41and 42 weeks. Design: Retrospective study of all 703 IOLs for post maturity over three-years. The main outcome being measured was recourse to emergency Caesarean section (Em LSCS) mode of delivery. Groups were compared. Setting: A District General Hospital with 8754 deliveries over the study period. The overall IOL rate was 18.8 . Result: Em LSCS rates break down as follows: 40th week; Primigravidae 25.7%, Multiparae 6.9%, Both 13.9% 41st week; Primigravidae 17.6%, Multiparae 6.4%, Both 10.6% 42nd week; Primigravidae 18.8%, Multiparae 11.3%, Both 15.2 No statistically significant benefit was demonstrated for either group at any gestation
Keywords: Induction of labour, gestation, postmaturity, primigravidas, multigravida, caesarean section, perinatal mortality