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Current Physical Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 1877-9468
ISSN (Online): 1877-9476

Patent News

Study of Selected Patents on the Manufacture of Activated Carbon as Electrodes in Power Storage Devices

Author(s): Farahat Javed Khan and Sonali Sandeep Kokane*

Volume 14, Issue 2, 2024

Published on: 28 March, 2024

Page: [164 - 170] Pages: 7

DOI: 10.2174/0118779468279377240318035448


The field of activated carbon has attracted many researchers. Our study of selected patents on the mentioned subject reveals an interesting fact, such as including the pore characteristics of the electrode material in the claims of a patent specification. The parameters, such as power density, energy density, capacitance and charge-recharge cycles, are mentioned for the various embodiments in the patent specification. The technolegal aspects of patenting in this field are concerned with the source of the carbon, the active material with which it is composited or activated, the process of treatment, which includes time, temperature and method, the resulting energy storage device, and the process of making such a device.

Graphical Abstract

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