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Recent Patents on Biotechnology


ISSN (Print): 1872-2083
ISSN (Online): 2212-4012

Research Article

Carvacrol: Innovative Synthesis Pathways and Overview of its Patented Applications

Author(s): Reda El Boukhari and Ahmed Fatimi*

Volume 19, Issue 1, 2025

Published on: 01 March, 2024

Page: [53 - 68] Pages: 16

DOI: 10.2174/0118722083292888240223094707

Price: $65


Aim: This research concerns the patentability of carvacrol; it could be helpful for researchers to easily identify any innovation in the biotechnological application of this monoterpene as well as other similar compounds.

Background: Like thyme or oregano, several plants in the Lamiaceae family produce carvacrol. It is one of the secondary metabolites with several biological activities, including the improvement in plants’ resistance and their protection. Carvacrol has many chemical properties, such as antioxidant and anti-microbial, which have made it interesting for multiple biotechnological applications in the fields of food, feed, pharmacology, and cosmetology.

Objective: We have made an attempt to demonstrate the value of carvacrol, first by studying quantitative data from patent documents, and then, through some relevant patents, we have tried to highlight the various fields of innovation related to the properties of carvacrol.

Method: For the study, we have collected and sorted patent documents (i.e., patent applications and granted patents) from specialized patent databases, using “carvacrol” and some of its synonyms as keywords. The selected documents have included these keywords in their titles, abstracts, or claims. Then, thanks to patent analysis, we have tried to provide an overview of the useful properties of organic compounds.

Result: We have shown that about 90% of the patent documents studied have been published in the 2000s. The number of publications, which is constantly increasing, demonstrates the growing interest in carvacrol. Although the applications of carvacrol are varied, the data on the IPC classification show that most published innovations are concerned with formulations in the fields of health, food, and feed. The study of the most relevant patents has allowed us to highlight some developments in the extraction and synthesis of carvacrol and some examples of patents that illustrate the wide possibilities offered by the exploitation of carvacrol. Thus, we have discussed its use in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, food, and agricultural fields.

Conclusion: Carvacrol is a natural compound with beneficial properties. Several applications using this monoterpene have already been patented in different fields. However, the evolution of patentability has grown this past year and revealed the potential of carvacrol in biotechnology.

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