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ISSN (Print): 1389-4501
ISSN (Online): 1873-5592

Review Article

Current Insights into Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Clinical Strategies for Prevention and Treatment

Author(s): Rishabh Chaudhary, Janvi Khanna, Seema Bansal* and Nitin Bansal

Volume 25, Issue 4, 2024

Published on: 21 February, 2024

Page: [221 - 240] Pages: 20

DOI: 10.2174/0113894501280331240213063333

Price: $65


Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition that is caused by medial nerve compression, resulting in symptoms such as numbness, tightness, or weakness in the hand.

Objectives: The aim of the study was to find out the genetic modulation, mechanism, available treatment, and recommendation for carpal tunnel syndrome at its specific stage.

Methods: Almost 200 papers were searched for this review article, and 145 articles were selected. The literature was collected from different sources like Google scholar, PubMed, a directory of open-access journals, and by using keywords, such as treatment, risk factors, recommendation, and clinical features of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Results: The most efficient non-surgical treatment is methylprednisolone acetate, which reduces inflammation by acting on the glucocorticoid receptor in conjunction with immunofilling. It has also been used successfully as a second-line drug for the treatment of patients with mild or moderate conditions in order to provide relief. New non-pharmacological options include laser therapy in acupuncture, transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS), and sham therapy. Modern treatments like TENS, laser therapy, splints, and injections of methylprednisolone acetate have been demonstrated to be helpful in sporadic situations. For patients with mild and moderate problems, more research should be conducted that includes the combination of these surgical and non-surgical treatments.

Conclusion: We propose a multifunctional panel construct and define standard data items for future research into carpal tunnel syndrome. A discussion on idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome, risk factors, combination of therapies, using guidelines-based recommendations and treatment should be initiated.

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