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Current Neuropharmacology


ISSN (Print): 1570-159X
ISSN (Online): 1875-6190

Review Article

Impact of Stress on Brain Morphology: Insights into Structural Biomarkers of Stress-related Disorders

Author(s): Narcís Cardoner*, Raül Andero, Marta Cano, Ignacio Marin-Blasco, Daniel Porta-Casteràs, Maria Serra-Blasco, Esther Via, Muriel Vicent-Gil and Maria J. Portella

Volume 22, Issue 5, 2024

Published on: 03 July, 2023

Page: [935 - 962] Pages: 28

DOI: 10.2174/1570159X21666230703091435

open access plus


Exposure to acute and chronic stress has a broad range of structural effects on the brain. The brain areas commonly targeted in the stress response models include the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the prefrontal cortex. Studies in patients suffering from the so-called stress-related disorders -embracing post-traumatic stress, major depressive and anxiety disorders- have fairly replicated animal models of stress response -particularly the neuroendocrine and the inflammatory models- by finding alterations in different brain areas, even in the early neurodevelopment. Therefore, this narrative review aims to provide an overview of structural neuroimaging findings and to discuss how these studies have contributed to our knowledge of variability in response to stress and the ulterior development of stress-related disorders. There are a gross number of studies available but neuroimaging research of stress-related disorders as a single category is still in its infancy. Although the available studies point at particular brain circuitries involved in stress and emotion regulation, the pathophysiology of these abnormalities -involving genetics, epigenetics and molecular pathways-, their relation to intraindividual stress responses -including personality characteristics, self-perception of stress conditions…-, and their potential involvement as biomarkers in diagnosis, treatment prescription and prognosis are discussed.

Graphical Abstract

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