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Current Analytical Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 1573-4110
ISSN (Online): 1875-6727

Research Article

Prediction of Fragmentation Pathway of Azilsartan Protonated Ion Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HR-MS/MS) with Q-TOF Analyzer- A Perspective Study

Author(s): Chandramohan Alluri*, Kiran Kumar Naramsetti and Ganapavarapu Veera Raghava Sharma

Volume 19, Issue 5, 2023

Published on: 19 June, 2023

Page: [428 - 433] Pages: 6

DOI: 10.2174/1573411019666230606145113


Introduction: UPLC coupled with a high-resolution mass analyzer i.e, Q-TOF analyzer with electrospray ionization (ESI) source using collision-induced dissociation (CID) method was applied to study the characteristic product ions of azilsartan protonated ion.

Method: The experimental results of high-resolution mass spectra explained the elemental compositions of product ions accurately and reasonable fragmentation pathways were proposed for azilsartan protonated ions. Calculated mass error in parts per million (ppm) for molecular ions and product ions and results of mass error found from this study from 0.2 ppm to 3.5 ppm.

Result: The characteristic fragmentation pathways were helpful to analyze and interpret the stability and possible degradation pathway of the parent ion.

Conclusion: The present study explains the significant role of high-resolution mass spectrometry in the structural analysis of the protonated ion of azilsartan.

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