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Current Drug Delivery


ISSN (Print): 1567-2018
ISSN (Online): 1875-5704

Review Article

Improving Oral Bioavailability of Herbal Drugs: A Focused Review of Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System for Colon Cancer

Author(s): Khushboo Bhardwaj, Arun Sharma, Rajan Kumar, Varnit Tyagi and Rajesh Kumar*

Volume 21, Issue 3, 2024

Published on: 30 May, 2023

Page: [389 - 402] Pages: 14

DOI: 10.2174/1567201820666230505113108

Price: $65

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One of the most frequent malignancies in the world is colon cancer. Both men and women are affected in the same way. The colon, which makes up the last part of the digestive system and is where water and minerals from food waste are absorbed, is vulnerable to cancer. The most suitable technique of drug administration is oral administration. Aqueous solubility is low in more than 40% of novel chemical entities, resulting in poor oral drug administration. In the formulation of oral medications, low inconsistent bioavailability is a major challenge. Increasing medication bioavailability is one of the most difficult aspects of pharmacological development. Self-nano-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SNEDDS) have been a potential platform for biopharmaceutical classification system class II and IV drugs for oral delivery. Enhanced bioavailability and solubility, control of toxicity, pharmacological effects, improved stability, improved tissue macrophage dispersion, prolonged delivery, and resistance to physical and chemical degradation are just a few benefits of SNEDDS for herbal drugs. To increase activity and address problems associated with herbal drugs, nanosized modern drug delivery technologies are expected to have a promising future. Improved patient compliance, fewer problems with liquid SNEDDS filled in capsules, and enhanced stability SNEDDS are all benefits of converting liquid SNEDDS to solid oral dosage forms or solid SNEDDS. SNEDDS differs from previous solubility augmentation methods due to its biodegradable components, simplicity of large-scale production, and range of drug-targeting possibilities.

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