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Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology


ISSN (Print): 1389-2010
ISSN (Online): 1873-4316

Mini-Review Article

Prediction Models based on miRNA-disease Relationship: Diagnostic Relevance to Multiple Diseases Including COVID-19

Author(s): Varruchi Sharma, Anil K. Sharma*, Mukesh Yadav, Nirmala Sehrawat, Vikas Kumar, Sunil Kumar, Ajay Gupta, Pooja Sharma and Sasanka Chakrabarti

Volume 24, Issue 10, 2023

Published on: 21 November, 2022

Page: [1213 - 1227] Pages: 15

DOI: 10.2174/1389201024666221025114500

Price: $65


Background: Small, non-coding microRNAs, usually of 20-25 nucleotides, are known to regulate the post-transcriptional gene expression, which has a significant role in human biological processes, including immune-biogenesis, homeostasis and infection control as differential expression of such miRNAs is responsible for fine-tuning the organismic development.

Methods: A search of bibliographic databases was carried out with a focused question on microRNA- Disease Prediction. A deductive qualitative content analysis approach was employed to assess the research's overall outcomes, review articles on prediction tools in miRNA-Diseases, and analyse the interventions.

Results: Diagnosis and therapeutics of diseases and miRNA prediction methods hold importance in identifying the regulatory mechanisms. Collections of efficient miRNA prediction methods to identify miRNA-mRNA-disease regulatory relationships have been presented through this review, consolidating the potential of miRNAs as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker of multiple diseases, including COVID-19.

Conclusion: The role of miRNA in the aetiology and pathogenesis of wide-range of pathologies, including viral, bacterial to chronic diseases such as cancer, is quite feasible through the modern tools in bioinformatics which has been elaborated focusing upon miRNA-disease prediction methods and their application potential establishing miRNAs as a robust and reliable biomarker in clinicomedical studies.

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