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Micro and Nanosystems


ISSN (Print): 1876-4029
ISSN (Online): 1876-4037

Research Article

Performance Analysis of 6T SRAM and ONOFIC Cells

Author(s): Vijay Kumar Sharma* and Masood Ahmad Malik

Volume 14, Issue 4, 2022

Published on: 14 January, 2022

Page: [350 - 357] Pages: 8

DOI: 10.2174/1876402913666211202114736

Price: $65


Background: As the technology node scales down to a deep sub-micron regime, the design of static random-access memory (SRAM) cell becomes a critical issue because of increased leakage current components. These leakage current components prevent the designing of a low-power processor as a large portion of the processor power is consumed by the memory part.

Objective: In this paper, an SRAM cell is designed based on the ON/OFF logic (ONOFIC) approach. Static noise margin (SNM) of the cell for the different states are calculated and evaluated by using the butterfly as well as noise (N) curves with the help of Cadence tools at 45 nm technology node.

Methods: ONOFIC approach reduces the leakage current components, which makes a low power memory cell. A performance comparison is made between the conventional six-transistor (6T) SRAM cell and memory cell using the ONOFIC approach.

Results: Low value of power delay product (PDP) is the outcome of the ONOFIC approach as compared to conventional cells. ONOFIC approach decreases PDP by 99.99% in case of hold state.

Conclusion: ONOFIC approach improves the different performance metrics for the different states of the SRAM cell.

Keywords: ONOFIC, PDP, sub-micron regime, SNM, N-curve, SRAM, VLSI.

Graphical Abstract

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