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Current Molecular Medicine


ISSN (Print): 1566-5240
ISSN (Online): 1875-5666

Mini-Review Article

Diabetic Neuropathy: Review on Molecular Mechanisms

Author(s): Mrinal M. Sanaye* and Samruddhi A. Kavishwar

Volume 23, Issue 2, 2023

Published on: 18 March, 2022

Page: [97 - 110] Pages: 14

DOI: 10.2174/1566524021666210816093111

Price: $65


Diabetic mellitus is a worldwide endocrine and metabolic disorder with insulin insensitivity or deficiency or both whose prevalence could rise up to 592 million by 2035. Consistent hyperglycemia leads to one of the most common comorbidities like Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN). DPN is underlined with unpleasant sensory experience, such as tingling and burning sensation, hyperalgesia, numbness, etc. Globally, 50-60% of the diabetic population is suffering from such symptoms as microvascular complications. Consistent hyperglycemia during DM causes activation/inhibition of various pathways playing important role in the homeostasis of neurons and other cells. Disruption of these pathways results into apoptosis and mitochondrial dysfunctions, causing neuropathy. Among these, pathways like Polyol and PARP are some of the most intensively studied ones whereas those like Wnt pathway, Mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK), mTOR pathway are comparatively newly discovered. Understanding of these pathways and their role in pathophysiology of DN underlines a few molecules of immense therapeutic value. The inhibitors or activators of these molecules can be of therapeutic importance in the management of DPN. This review, hence, focuses on these underlying molecular mechanisms intending to provide therapeutically effective molecular targets for the treatment of DPN.

Keywords: Diabetic neuropathy, molecular mechanisms, therapeutic targets.

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