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Protein & Peptide Letters


ISSN (Print): 0929-8665
ISSN (Online): 1875-5305

Mini-Review Article

Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) for Traits Related to Fodder Quality and Biofuel in Sorghum: Progress and Prospects

Author(s): Vinutha Kanuganahalli Somegowda, Laavanya Rayaprolu, Abhishek Rathore, Santosh Pandurang Deshpande* and Rajeev Gupta*

Volume 28, Issue 8, 2021

Published on: 27 January, 2021

Page: [843 - 854] Pages: 12

DOI: 10.2174/0929866528666210127153103

Price: $65


The main focus of this review is to discuss the current status of the use of GWAS for fodder quality and biofuel owing to its similarity of traits. Sorghum is a potential multipurpose crop, popularly cultivated for various uses as food, feed fodder, and biomass for ethanol. Production of a huge quantity of biomass and genetic variation for complex sugars are the main motivations not only to use sorghum as fodder for livestock nutritionists but also as a potential candidate for biofuel generation. Few studies have been reported on the knowledge transfer that can be used from the development of biofuel technologies to complement improved fodder quality and vice versa. With recent advances in genotyping technologies, GWAS became one of the primary tools used to identify the genes/genomic regions associated with the phenotype. These modern tools and technologies accelerate the genomic assisted breeding process to enhance the rate of genetic gains. Hence, this mini-review focuses on GWAS studies on genetic architecture and dissection of traits underpinning fodder quality and biofuel traits and their limited comparison with other related model crop species.

Keywords: Sorghum, fodder, biofuel, GWAS, SNPs, candidate gene, quality.

Graphical Abstract

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