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Current Chinese Science


ISSN (Print): 2210-2981
ISSN (Online): 2210-2914

Research Article Section: Structural Engineering

Investigation of the Structural Behaviors of One-way HVFA-SCC Slabs Reinforced by GFRP Bars

Author(s): Lingzhu Zhou, Pengcheng Dong, Yu Zheng*, Gangbing Song and Xiaolu Wang

Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021

Published on: 09 September, 2020

Page: [160 - 182] Pages: 23

DOI: 10.2174/2210298101666200909160857


Background: The corrosion of steel bar leads to the deterioration of structural behaviors, high cost maintenance, shortened service life. The bridge deck structures constructed by Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) bars and High-Volume Fly Ash-Self-Compacting Concrete (HVFA-SCC) can achieve low energy consumption, sustainable construction and high durability. However, the structural behaviors of this bridge deck are still unclear.

Objective: The aim of this paper is to study the structural behaviors, including ultimate loads, failure mode, cracking behavior, deflection and strain of one-way HVFA-SCC slabs reinforced with Glass- FRP (GFRP).

Experimental: Eleven full-scale HVFA-SCC slabs, varying in reinforcement diameter, reinforcement ratio, shear-span ratio, the type of reinforcing materials and concrete matrix materials, were tested by using a four-point bending load.

Methods: The test results of tested specimens were compared with existing theoretical models, such as crack load, ultimate bearing capacity, maximum crack width, maximum crack space and deflection predicted model.

Results: The GFRP reinforced HVFA-SCC slab exhibits similar structural behaviors to the GFRP reinforced NC slab. The maximum crack width of HVFA-SCC slab is significantly increased by using GFRP bars with a diameter of 19 mm.

Conclusion: It is concluded that it is feasible to use HVFA-SCC instead of NC combined with GFRP bars in bridge deck structures. The stress limit of concrete materials (0.45fc) is the main governing factor for the service limit state (SLS) of GFRP reinforced HVFA-SCC slabs. The maximum crack width of GFRP reinforced HVFA-SCC slabs can be predicted by using EHE-08 and GB 50608-2010 models.

Keywords: One-way slabs, GFRP bars, HVFA-SCC, structural behaviors, theoretical models, fiber reinforced polymer bars.

Graphical Abstract

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