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Protein & Peptide Letters


ISSN (Print): 0929-8665
ISSN (Online): 1875-5305

Research Article

Stem Bromelain Proteolytic Machinery: Study of the Effects of its Components on Fibrin (ogen) and Blood Coagulation

Author(s): Mohamed Azarkan*, Mariana Marta González, Rafaèle Calvo Esposito and María Eugenia Errasti*

Volume 27, Issue 11, 2020

Page: [1159 - 1170] Pages: 12

DOI: 10.2174/0929866527666200525163622

Price: $65

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Background: Antiplatelet, anticoagulant and fibrinolytic activities of stem bromelain (EC are well described, but more studies are still required to clearly define its usefulness as an antithrombotic agent. Besides, although some effects of bromelain are linked to its proteolytic activity, few studies were performed taking into account this relationship.

Objective: We aimed at comparing the effects of stem bromelain total extract (ET) and of its major proteolytic compounds on fibrinogen, fibrin, and blood coagulation considering the proteolytic activity.

Methods: Proteolytic fractions chromatographically separated from ET (acidic bromelains, basic bromelains, and ananains) and their irreversibly inhibited counterparts were assayed. Effects on fibrinogen were electrophoretically and spectrophotometrically evaluated. Fibrinolytic activity was measured by the fibrin plate assay. The effect on blood coagulation was evaluated by the prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) tests. Effects were compared with those of thrombin and plasmin.

Results: Acidic bromelains and ananains showed thrombin-type activity and low fibrinolytic activity, with acidic bromelains being the least effective as anticoagulants and fibrinolytics; while basic bromelains, without thrombin-like activity, were the best anticoagulant and fibrinolytic proteases present in ET. Procoagulant action was detected for ET and its proteolytic compounds by the APTT test at low concentrations. The measured effects were dependent on proteolytic activity.

Conclusion: Two sub-populations of cysteine proteases exhibiting different effects on fibrin (ogen) and blood coagulation are present in ET. Using well characterized stem bromelain regarding its proteolytic system is a prerequisite for a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the bromelain action.

Keywords: Ananas comosus, romeliaceae, anticoagulants, fibrinolytic activity, thrombin-like activity, cysteine protease, ananain.

Graphical Abstract

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