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Current Dentistry


ISSN (Print): 2542-579X
ISSN (Online): 2542-5803

Case Report

Association of Tooth Bleaching and Microabrasion as a Resolution of Intrinsic Staining by Fluorosis: A Case Report

Author(s): Iana M.C. Gonçalves, Raíssa M. Garcia, Amanda G.C. de Souza, Daniel M. Secchieri, Laís Cardelli, Luis R.M. Martins and Débora A.N.L. Lima*

Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020

Page: [78 - 82] Pages: 5

DOI: 10.2174/2542579X02999200428093906

Price: $65

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Background: Different treatment protocols for teeth affected by fluorosis have been applied. Among them, microabrasion associated with tooth bleaching has presented satisfactory results in the treatment of intrinsic and/or extrinsic staining.

Case Presentation: A 22-year-old female patient attended the Dental Clinic of FOP/UNICAMP, reporting dissatisfaction with her smile due to the presence of white striations contrasting with the yellowish hue of the other teeth. Initially, the adequacy of the oral environment was performed by supragingival scraping and prophylaxis. Due to the characteristics of the staining, fluorosis TF3, the treatment plan consisted of teeth whitening with 35% hydrogen peroxide (Whiteness HP, AutoMixx 35% FGM) and microabrasion (Whiteness RM, FGM).

Conclusion: The association of tooth bleaching and microabrasion techniques provided the harmonization of the smile and resolution of the clinical case of the main complaint.

Keywords: Tooth bleaching, enamel microabrasion, hydrogen peroxide, dental fluorosis, dentin sensitivity, fluorine.

Graphical Abstract

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