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Recent Innovations in Chemical Engineering


ISSN (Print): 2405-5204
ISSN (Online): 2405-5212

Research Article

Assessment of an Electrocoagulation Reactor for the Removal of Oil Content and Turbidity from Real Oily Wastewater Using Response Surface Method

Author(s): Forat Y. AlJaberi*, Basma A. Abdulmajeed, Ali A. Hassan and Muhib L. Ghadban

Volume 13, Issue 1, 2020

Page: [55 - 71] Pages: 17

DOI: 10.2174/2405520412666190830091842

Price: $65


Background: Large amounts of oily wastewater and its derivatives are discharged annually from several industries to the environment.

Objective: The present study aims to investigate the ability to remove oil content and turbidity from real oily wastewater discharged from the wet oil's unit (West Qurna 1-Crude Oil Location/ Basra-Iraq) by using an innovated electrocoagulation reactor containing concentric aluminum tubes in a monopolar mode.

Methods: The influences of the operational variables (current density (1.77-7.07 mA/cm2) and electrolysis time (10-40 min)) were studied using response surface methodology (RSM) and Minitab-17 statistical program. The agitation speed was taken as 200 rpm. Energy and electrodes consumption had been studied and modeled.

Results: The results revealed the positive effect of the electrodes design on the studied responses.

Conclusion: Under the optimum values of the operating variables (5.675 mA/cm2, 40 min), 85.982% and 84.439% removal efficiencies of oil content and turbidity respectively were obtained and the consumption of energy and electrodes were observed as 4.333kWh/m3 and 0.36 g respectively.

Keywords: Oily wastewater, oil content, turbidity, electrocoagulation reactor, RSM, optimization, Energy and electrodes consumption.

Graphical Abstract

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